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Welcome to Southwest Christian Academy and thank you for your interest. We are now enrolling for the summer and fall! 


The admissions process can be confusing, but the following four steps describe the process concisely.


Tour the School

Call (501) 565-3276, email, or use the form below to request a tour.  A member of our staff will contact you to answer your questions and schedule the tour.
(Please bring your child/children with you on the tour so we can get to know them, and answer their questions.)


Online Application

SCA uses an online application system powered by FACTS. Click here to create an account and begin your application.


Upon account creation, you will receive an email containing a verification link. Once your email address has been verified, log in to your account and Create A New Student Application for your child.  You will have the opportunity to upload documents that SCA requires.  If you choose not to upload these documents, you have the option to bring them to the school office to be uploaded by office personnel.  After submitting the application, you will be able to track your admissions status at the school by logging in to your account. In addition, you will be able to print the completed application, monitor when the school receives any applicable supplemental forms and, if necessary, reprint the forms.


Once we have received and reviewed all documentation in your student's admission file, administration will determine if the student will be eligible to proceed to step 3.


Documents Needed:


  • Birth Certificate

  • Insurance Card

  • Shot recod if shots not taken in Arkansas. (If in Arkansas, we can retrieve them from the health department website.)

  • Social Security Number (optional - Additional documents needed for academy)

  • Current Report Card

  • Most recent standardized test scores

  • Three reference names and a good phone number for each (i.e. last teachers, someone who may have taught them in Sunday school, someone who knows the child.  References may not be family members.)

  • Custody documentation


Placement Testing & Interview

Placement testing for Kindergarten through High school allows our faculty to assess the student's academic progress and assists the admissions team in determining if SCA is the best fit for the student's academic needs.  A family interview is conducted by an interview panel.  This interview allows our staff to get to know the student and family, as well as address any questions or concerns either party may have.



Our admissions team will review your application, all documents, placement testing, and interview, and will make an admission determination based on this information.  Once a decision is made, you will receive an email with the status of your application.  If your student is accepted into our program, you will be given further instructions regarding online enrollment, which is the final step in the admissions process.










Returning Student Registration Fee
(non-refundable non-prorated)

New Student

Registration Fee

(non-refundable non-prorated)

Weekly Tuition

New Student Summer Fun Registration Fee

Weekly Summer Tuition

Yearbook (Optional)

Book Fee



Returning Student Registration Fee

(non-refundable non-prorated)

New Student

Registration Fee

(non-refundable non-prorated)

Weekly Tuition

New Student Summer Fun Registration Fee

Weekly Summer Tuition

Yearbook (Optional)

Book Fee

















Returning Student Registration Fee

(non-refundable non-prorated)

New Student

Registration Fee

(non-refundable non-prorated)

Weekly Tuition

New Student Summer Fun Registration Fee

Weekly Summer Tuition

Yearbook (Optional)

Book Fee

For Preschool Students: Bottles and pacifiers are not allowed. Children must be toilet trained before being accepted into the 3-year-old program.

Proper age for admittance to preschool class by August 1, 2024. K5 students must be 5 years old on or before August 1, 2025.





Yearly Tuition


Registration Fee

(non-refundable non-prorated)

Not Included In Tuition:
lunch, childcare, before and after care, yearbook, supplies on the supply list, sports, field trips, etc.

La cuota de inscripción se debe pagar en el momento de la inscripción.


Tuition payments begin on June 1st or August 1st depending on the payment option chosen, and continue until May 1st.

Payments can be made monthly (either the 1st or 15th of the month), every other week, or every week.

Weekly fee for Preschool, Before and After Care, and Summer Programs includes breakfast from 6:45 AM to 7:45 AM, two snacks (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) and lunch.
You may send lunch an/or snacks for your child (no microwave available).
Please inform us of all allergies.



Starts Tuesday, May 27th
Registration Fee $50 per child

Weekly Fees
PK2 -starts at 18 months $145 per week
PK3-MUST be potty trained $140 per week
PK4-Kindergarten $140 per week
1st grade to 6th grade $145 per week


Southwest Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, and national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies and athletic or other school administered programs, except where necessitated by specific tenants held by the institution and its controlling body.

Are you ready to begin the admissions process?

Use the form below to contact admissions and request a tour.

Thanks for submitting!

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Proudly Created by

Southwest Christian Academy

Tel: 501-565-3276



11301 Geyer Springs Rd

Little Rock, AR 72209

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